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Important numbers and information

History: Hortt Park

The property that is now Hortt Park used to be divided into two parcels, one parcel was the old (and smaller) Hortt Park, and the other was the Hortt School campus. For many years the Hortt School (originally a public elementary school) was used as an administrative facility for the Broward County School Department. In […]

History: Bill Keith Preserve

The Bill Keith Preserve is the newest addition to our neighborhood. In 2005 Broward County purchased the 4-acre tract of undeveloped riverfront land with park bond funds. The county then leased the land to the City of Fort Lauderdale for development as a nature preserve. This new park has been named the Bill Keith Preserve […]

Green Your Routine

Discover, explore, and create a sustainable Fort Lauderdale! Become a part of Green Your Routine and learn how you can make your home and environment more green. Start with these 3 easy steps: Find Out How Green Your Home Is Right Now Take the Energy Star Pledge Keep In Touch with GYR Click for more info. Get […]

Handy Numbers to Keep

Animal Control 954-359-1313 Code Enforcement 954-828-5207 Commissioner Romney Rogers 954-828-5004 Drug Sales/Usage 954-828-5661 Fire, Non Emergency 954-764-4357 Florida Power & Light Outage 800-468-8243 Mayor Jack Seiler 954-828-5003 Mosquito Control 954-765-4062 Police, Non Emergency 954-764-4357 Special Events Hotline 954-828-5363 TECO (Peoples) Gas Emer. 877-832-6747 Community Inspections 954-828-5207 Trash (recycling, bulk) 954-828-8000 Water/Sewers/Drainage 954-828-8000

Trash Pick Up Days

Trash Pick Up Days: Tuesdays Trash Bins Fridays Trash, Yard Waste, and Recycle Bins First Wednesday of Each Month Bulk Trash   Broward County operates several facilities for the disposal and recycling of hazardous materials such as paints, household chemicals, pesticides and electronic equipment. For details on hazardous materials disposal, click here.